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Back to School: ABC Basics

Back to School
It’s official — school is back in session! We’ve put together the ABCs of keeping your kids thriving academically, socially, and physically this school year.

Avoiding Illness

Germs loving running amuck through classrooms, but good hand-washing can help prevent infections from spreading. Encourage your child to wash his or her hands thoroughly throughout the day and support hand sanitizer use. Make sure your child knows the location of the school nurse and talk with him or her about when to make a visit.

Flu season will be coming soon, so keep an eye out for an announcement about our Flu Shot Clinics!


It is important to talk to your children about bullying and what to do if he or she is a witness or victim. Bullying goes beyond everyday conflicts. Some children are bullies because they want what others have; some do it because they want to feel more powerful. Encourage your children to speak out if they see someone being bullied or feel like they are being bullied themselves, alerting school officials to the problem and working with them on solutions. With older children, monitor their social media accounts and text conversations so that you can identify negative interactions before they get out of hand.

At home, demonstrate good behavior by example. If you see your children making fun of someone, let them know the importance of being kind to all people. Make sure your children understand that bullying is never OK.


Bedtime Routines

Going back to school can be tough on all kids from kindergarten to high school. Getting used to those tricky school routines is challenging. It is important to keep your children motivated and on the right track to success — starting with the right sleep schedule. Be sure you are enforcing a consistent bedtime routine and be sure to keep in mind the recommended hours of sleep for your child based on age: 3-5 year olds need 10-13 hours; 6-13 year olds need 9 to 11 hours; and older kids need at least 8 hours of sleep a night. This will increase their productivity and motivation throughout the day. Plan ahead — pick out clothes and pack lunches the night before to alleviate morning chaos.

Bus Safety

If your child is taking the bus to school, be sure to talk to him or her about bus safety. Tell your children when and where you will get them on/off the bus and to never leave with a stranger. Emphasize the importance of making sure the bus comes to a complete stop before getting on, and to never walk behind the bus. Remind your child to remain seated and forward facing while the bus is moving to avoid injury if the bus comes to a sudden stop.


Coping with Change

This new school year may bring a new school, new teacher, and new friends. All of this change can be difficult for children, but also exciting! Let your children know that you understand what they’re going through and will be there to help them through the transition. Ask them what in particular is making them nervous and remind them that nerves are completely normal. Be sure to let them know these feelings are okay and that change can be good.

Clean Eating Choices
Good nutrition is important to maintain health and also to feed your child’s brain during school hours. Studies show that students perform better in school when they eat a healthy breakfast. Plan to have your child buy or bring lunch depending on the options available, choosing healthier options when possible. Learning Tip: Get your child involved in the process of making their own lunch. They’ll feel more empowered to make smart nutrition choices.

We’re here to help make your child’s school year a healthy one. Should you have concerns over the physical, social, or mental health of your child, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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