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Books to Celebrate National Pizza Month

Books About Pizza

Reading recommendations from our own Dr. Alice Mar

You might think of pumpkins in October. Or candy corn. Or apples. But maybe what you should think of is pizza….October is National Pizza Month after all. Pizza is fun to eat and also fun to read about. Here are some pizza themed books that you and your kids can enjoy…maybe along with a slice of pepperoni pie! 

Pandas Love Pizza by Liz Lynch 

This simple alphabet board book pairs animals and foods. Who knows maybe your picky eater will want to try kale like a koala. Or falafel like a fox. Or pizza like a a panda. 

Pizza Counting by Christina Dobson 

If Pizza can help with learning ABC’s, how about Pizza for Math? This book goes beyond simple counting to cover things like telling time, subtraction and fractions. All while using pizza as a theme. 

Pete’s a Pizza by  William Steig

This  classically silly and sweet picture book tells the story of a father playing with his son. The father pretends to make a pizza from his son and the boy collapses in giggles. Kids will love it, and love playing the same game with their parents. Just be warned, you might have to “make the dough” over and over again. 

Hi, Pizza Man! By Virginia Walter 

A Mom helps her toddler son pass the time while waiting for the pizza man by asking him how what he’ll say when he opens the door and the pizza man is there. But what if it’s a pizza cat?Or a pizza duck? 

Little Nino’s Pizzeria by Karen Barbour

Another classic (featured on Reading Rainbow), this book tells the story of a Tony, a little boy,  who helps his father out in his pizzeria.

Pizza at Sally’s by Monica Wellington 

Wellington specializes in informational fiction picture books or non-fiction books with a story, depending on your perspective. The books are excellent. This one tells the story of a local pizza-maker and goes through all the steps she needs for the pizza. 

The Little Red Hen (Makes a Pizza) by Philomen Sturges

Everyone knows the story of the Little Red Hen. In this version, she wants to make a pizza but can’t find any help. 

World Pizza by Cece Meng 

A Mom wishing on a shooting star accidentally sneezes while wishing for World Peace. So instead the World gets Pizza falling down from the sky. 

Every Night is Pizza Night by J. Kenji Lopesz-Alt

Pipo is a little girl who absolutely knows that Pizza is the best food in the world. Her Mom asks her to prove it so she goes out to the neighborhood to seek other foods. So maybe bibimibap is better than pizza? Or tagine? This celebration of food from all over the world will inspire future foodies.

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