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New Years Resolutions for a Healthier Family

New Years Resolutions Healthier Family

January is a great time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the new one.  While it’s easy to make (and let’s be honest, break) resolutions for yourself, it’s a good idea to put some thought into how you as a family can improve together.  Below are some suggestions for New Years resolutions to improve your family’s health and well-being, along with links to help you along the way.




REDUCE the S’s


1. Sugar (and processed foods)

Eating healthier in the new year is a great goal for your family.  It’s not always easy, but committing to a healthy diet can help improve your mood, boost your immune system, manage your weight, and even increase your productivity.  Reducing “junk food” is an easy way to get started.

Resolution: Cut back on sugar, limit fast food dining, and avoid processed snacks.


2. Screen time

Kids and their parents are spending more time on screens than ever before, and there’s reason to be concerned.  Studies show that screens have a negative impact on children’s physical and mental health. Reducing screen time gives more opportunities for physical activity and more time spent with books, educational materials, and each other.

Resolution: Set daily limits on screen time and enforce them (this goes for you too).


3. Stress

Adults aren’t the only ones who feel stressed. Kids and teens do too. While some stress is normal, it’s important to find ways to reduce and alleviate it for improved health and well-being.

Resolution: Teach your kids self-care through healthy habits.







1. Exercise

Exercising more is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions for good reason.  Increasing exercise will have both physical and psychological benefits, including enhanced fitness and strength, better weight management, improved sleep and reduced stress.

Resolution: Find one more way each week to be active.


2. Educational activities

Parents are a child’s first and most important teachers.  A parent’s attitude about education can inspire their children’s and show them how to take charge of their own educational journey.  Increasing the amount of educational activities you do as a family will help build a solid foundation for your child’s future learning.

Resolution: Read aloud together daily taking turns for both reading and book selection.


3. Engagement

The most valuable investment you can make in your family is time spent together.   Increasing your engagement in family time builds your children’s confidence, strengthens the family bond, and creates wonderful memories that last a lifetime.

Resolution: Plan more family outings and family nights in.





FOCUS on the T’s


1. Talking

Communication is a common challenge for families, especially as children get older.  Talking with your kids, both individually and as a family, will help strengthen your connection, instill important values, and give you greater insight into their needs.

Resolution: Have weekly family meetings where everyone gets a chance to be heard.


2. Time management

Effective time management skills are essential to all adults and children.  Day-to-day demands can become overwhelming and create an atmosphere of constant stress.

Resolution: Schedule down time on your calendar and book family time away from devices and distractions.


3. Togetherness

Family togetherness offers a sense of belonging to all members. Research has shown that regular and meaningful family meals offer a large variety of benefits to children and parents.

Resolution: Eat one more meal together each week.


Follow these resolutions and your family will be SET to have a happy and healthy 2019!


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